
Colette Whiten and Paul Kipps

Weather Vanes, 1989-91  


Location: Bankers Hall East Tower

Colette Whiten was born in Birmingham, England in 1945. She graduated from the Ontario College of Art in 1972, and was a recipient of the Governor General's Medal in 2013. She lives and works in Toronto, Ontario.

Paul Kipps was born in 1948 and passed away in 2014. He completed his studies at the University of Western Ontario.

These beautiful vanes were inspired by an interest in the Calgary landscape, city orientation and the famous Chinook Phenomena.  They are life-sized sculptures of people mounted on poles and are quite flat. The series of outdoor pieces are continued inside the building and reside in the lobby on similar mounts. 

Colette Whiten and Paul Kipps worked together on numerous public commissions, such as: Tender (1994) for the   Workman’s Compensation Board, Simcoe Place, Toronto (commissioned by Cadillac Fairview);  The Trans-Canada Pipelines Arch: gateway to the Olympic Village, Calgary Winter Olympics, Calgary, Alberta (1988 ); and La Scala (2003) in Toronto, to name a few.